Packages & Promotions

Copper Thread Coaching has a wide variety of packages to meet your needs. From special promotions to seasonal offerings, this is the place where you can find the most up to date information on what’s available.

Serious Times Call for Playful Measures

Copper Thread Coaching has you covered. Our playful, morale-boosting group experiences come with a load of laughter and a bucket full of scientifically backed tools your team can use to release stress, reduce conflict, restore connection, and build resilience.

Our events are created to suit your needs and can be hosted at our venue or yours. Groups of all sizes are welcome. Looking for a holiday event that will serve a large organization with multiple departments? No problem.

Come play as a team, or break into smaller, more intimate groups hosted over a day or two. We have a “pre-boxed” selection of “outside-the-box” style gatherings for you to feast on or let us build just the right recipe for your organization.

Want to invite more play into your organization?


Get in touch

Packages and Promotions 

Six-Sessions for the Price of Five!
Harner Shamanic Counseling ™ Package

 Six, weekly, in-person, 90-minute-sessions with trained shamanic counselor and certified coach, Barb Brunzell.

Bonus: 30-minute complimentary discovery call, Mindfold eye mask, steno pad and pen.

Tap here to learn more about Harner Shamanic Counseling and the items required to do this work.
Want to find out more? Book a discovery call with Shamanic Counselor and Certified Coach, Barb Brunzell today.

In-Person, Six Session, Shamanic Counseling Package
Weekly 90-Minute Sessions

$1150 + HST 

*Six sessions and bonus items for the price of five sessions
*30-minute complimentary discovery call also included

Follow Up Shamanic Counseling Sessions are also available.

Coaching to Support Your Health & Wellness

Book five sessions and get one for free! 

Coaching can help you get from where you are to where you want to be. You may already know exactly what you want to work on, or figuring that out might be part of the process.

Here are a few options to serve as inspiration:

  • Master Stress Management: Personalized stress reduction techniques, mindfulness practices, and coping strategies for enhanced overall well-being
  • Consistency in Lifestyle Changes: Receive the support and accountability needed to establish and sustain positive habits, seamlessly integrating them into your daily routine.
  • Achieve Work-Life Harmony: Set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and create a harmonious balance between work and personal life for lasting well-being.
  • Positive Mindset Transformation: Identify and transform limiting beliefs, fostering a positive mindset and self-compassion for improved mental and emotional well-being.
  • Goal Setting and Achievement: Define clear, achievable goals, break them down into actionable steps, and celebrate milestones along the way.
  • Enhanced Relationships:  Explore interpersonal dynamics, communication skills, and self-awareness to enhance relationships and contribute to emotional wellness.
  • Revitalized Self-Care Practices: Prioritize self-care by identifying activities that bring joy and relaxation, incorporating them into your routine for sustained well-being. 

*Promotion eligible for new clients, online sessions only

Book a Discovery Call

Copper Thread Coaching

  [email protected]

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